Blog — relationship skills

Own Your Thoughts and Feelings & Let Others Own Theirs

Own Your Thoughts and Feelings & Let Others Own Theirs 0

Owning your thoughts and feelings and letting other people own theirs is a foundational part of healthy communication skills. 

It creates an attitude that makes it easier to present your ideas in a tactful way. And it helps you listen to other people without getting triggered or defensive. 

What does it mean to own thoughts and feelings?

What is assertive communication and behavior?

What is assertive communication and behavior? 0

Assertive behavior and communication often get confused with aggression, but there is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive.

Aggressive behavior is assertiveness taken too far.

On the other hand, passive behavior is not assertive enough.

Healthy assertive behavior lies in the middle of the continuum between passive and aggressive.

Healthy assertive communication is. . .