Blog — emotional intelligence

15 Important High Emotional Intelligence Benefits

15 Important High Emotional Intelligence Benefits 0

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to excel in their personal and professional lives, while others struggle to find success?

The answer may lie in their level of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is a term that has gained significant attention in recent years. It refers to your ability to understand, use, manage, and express your emotions, as well as the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others. 

I have been helping people build their emotional intelligence for decades. I am more and more convinced that it is the key to personal happiness, successful relationships, and healthy communities. 

In this article, we will explore the research-based benefits of having a high emotional intelligence quotient. So, if you're curious about how emotional intelligence can benefit you, keep reading to discover the key advantages it offers.


What is Gratituding and How To Do It

What is Gratituding and How To Do It 0

Discover the art of 'Gratituding'. Learn the benefits of intentional gratitude and find inspiration to cultivate a positive mindset in your daily life.
Guilt v Shame: What's the Difference?

Guilt v Shame: What's the Difference? 0

Shame, guilt, and regret are emotional siblings that help point out where we’re going wrong. They have the potential to make your life better and better. They also have the potential of weighing you down. 

Part of being human is making mistakes. The question isn’t whether you’ll make mistakes. The question is: what will you do with your mistakes? 

This post will help you put your mistakes into perspective and turn associated guilt or regret into tools for upleveling your life. It will also help you let go of shame that binds you. 

101 Emotion Words List: Expand Your Emotion Vocabulary

101 Emotion Words List: Expand Your Emotion Vocabulary 1

Most people have a limited emotion vocabulary: they don't have many words to describe feelings. Having limited emotion words at your disposal gets in the way of you understanding yourself and others. This post includes a 101 emotion words list to help you better label what's happening for yourself and the people around you.
Is The Way You are Listening Damaging Your Relationship?

Is The Way You are Listening Damaging Your Relationship? 0

Listening in a way that works is a skill that most people don't have. Most people use what I call "Not Listening Skills" when their job in the moment is to be a listener. These communication missteps create misunderstandings and messy buildup in couples: accumulated hurt feelings and resentments. They also contribute to people talking at each other rather than hearing each other and considering what they have to say.

People using any of the 10 Not Listening Skills often think they are doing a great job as a listener and don't see or understand that it's damaging their relationship. They may be listening to their partner, but their partner doesn't feel heard, and they don't really get what their partner has going on.

Becoming Calm Anxiety Workbook and Journal

Becoming Calm Anxiety Workbook and Journal 0

I know how bad anxiety feels, and how much it gets in the way of happiness, because I’ve experienced decades of anxiety myself. Before becoming a counselor, I stumbled along trying various ways to deal with my anxiety even though I didn’t know to give it that label. Now, I only rarely have a small pang of anxiety that I can easily manage.

This inside look at anxiety, coupled with what I’ve learned from helping hundreds of counseling clients overcome everything from generalized anxiety to fear of flying to PTSD, has given me unique insight into what anxiety feels like, what helps relieve it, and what helps build stress resilience.

I put what I've learned from all these experiences into a new book in the Silver Lining series -- Becoming Calm: Silver Lining Reduce Anxiety and Increase Stress Resilience Workbook and Journal.