Blog — natural remedies for anxiety

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism

Quotes to Inspire You to Stop Toxic Perfectionism 2

You may think that perfectionism helps people get things done. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people get things done well. It doesn't.

You might think that perfectionism helps people be better partners and parents. It doesn't.

The reality is that perfectionism is toxic to relationships and life. It wears out the perfectionistic person and people they are close to.

Perfectionists are chronically disappointed in themselves and others. They have trouble trying to do things because of being immobilized by fear of failure.

Here's a collection of the best quotes to help inspire you to be happy in your imperfection. 

Becoming Calm Anxiety Workbook and Journal

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I know how bad anxiety feels, and how much it gets in the way of happiness, because I’ve experienced decades of anxiety myself. Before becoming a counselor, I stumbled along trying various ways to deal with my anxiety even though I didn’t know to give it that label. Now, I only rarely have a small pang of anxiety that I can easily manage.

This inside look at anxiety, coupled with what I’ve learned from helping hundreds of counseling clients overcome everything from generalized anxiety to fear of flying to PTSD, has given me unique insight into what anxiety feels like, what helps relieve it, and what helps build stress resilience.

I put what I've learned from all these experiences into a new book in the Silver Lining series -- Becoming Calm: Silver Lining Reduce Anxiety and Increase Stress Resilience Workbook and Journal.

Tips for How to Get Vitamin D from the Sun

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Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, but how do you safely get vitamin D from the sun?

How much sun exposure do you need for healthy levels of vitamin D? Can I get vitamin D from the sun through my windows?

Read on for the answers to your questions and 10 tips to optimize your sun time for vitamin D production.
Vitamin D3 Benefits for Depression, Anxiety, and More

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Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is important for a healthy immune system, bones, and nerves. Besides playing crucial roles in your physical health, it is also vital to your emotional health. Read on for how you can benefit from vitamin D and how you can get more safely. 
Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Depression, Anxiety, and More

Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Depression, Anxiety, and More 0

When your brain cells are functioning well, you are more likely to deal better with stress, think more clearly, have less anxiety, and be in a better mood. Two of the major elements your brain needs to function well are the Omega-3 fats DHA and EPA.

What's in This Post

  1. What are Essential Fatty Acids?

  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Health

  3. 10 Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Fish Oil Health Benefits

  4. EPA and DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid Benefits for Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health Research

  5. EPA vs. DHA Mental Health Benefits

  6. Total Omega-3 vs. DHA and EPA Amounts

  7. How Much Fish Oil or Omega-3 for Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health?

  8. Best Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements for Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health

  9. Contraindications for Supplementing with Omega-3s

  10. References for Fish Oil and Omega-3 Health Benefits

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal and Workbook 0

My Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook can help you process anything that weighs you down, stresses you out, or keeps you stuck so that you can learn from challenging experiences and feel lighter and happier. 

Click Read More to find out how Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up can help you.