Blog — partner abuse

7 Forms of Partner Abuse

7 Forms of Partner Abuse 0

We most often think about physically violent acts when we think about partner abuse, but there are many methods of choice for controlling, demeaning, and punishing partners.

Partner abuse takes on many forms. 

7 forms of partner abuse are listed and the question "What is partner abuse?" is answered.

How to Make a Safety Plan if She is Violent

How to Make a Safety Plan if She is Violent 0

Domestic Violence against men is real. If your wife or girlfriend is angry and abusive, take it seriously. Just because you are a guy doesn't mean she can't hurt you. Make a safety plan.

If you are the friend or relative of a man in danger, pass on this information to him and help him make a plan to keep himself and his children safe.

(Note: I have included this Safety Plan and more in a FREE ebook. I'll tell you more about it later in this post.)  

                              12 Types of Lies and Deception

                              12 Types of Lies and Deception 1

                              How can you tell if someone is lying? Even worse, how can you tell if someone you love is lying to you? First: learn that there is more than one way to lie. 

                              “Everyone has a right to their own opinion,

                              but not to their own facts.”

                              —Ricky Gervais

                              Why are people drawn to not telling the truth? Abusive people often use any of a dozen types of lies to meet their self-centered objectives.

                              Click Read More for Why people lie and 12 Ways Abusive People Lie and Deceive 

                              Signs of a Verbally Abusive Wife or Girlfriend

                              Signs of a Verbally Abusive Wife or Girlfriend 0

                              Verbal abuse ranges from rageful to passive aggressive to silent. It can be in-your-face bullying or performed in a more backdoor subversive way. Verbally abusive women can achieve their goal to demean, control, or punish loudly or quietly.

                              Verbal abuse might more properly be called communication abuse. It isn’t just words that are the mechanism for abuse. Tone and body language can also be abusive tools.

                              Verbal abuse instruments cover a broad range: